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Unleashing the Controversial Humor: Truly Tasteless Joke Book Review 2021

Unleashing the Controversial Humor: Truly Tasteless Joke Book Review 2021

Looking for a book that will make you cringe and laugh at the same time? Check out the Truly Tasteless Joke Book - it's not for the faint of heart!

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a controversial publication that has been making waves since its release in the 1980s. The book contains a series of jokes that are considered highly offensive and insensitive by many, covering a wide range of topics from race to gender to disability. While some people find the book hilarious and edgy, others consider it deeply offensive and harmful.

One of the most striking things about the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is the sheer level of offensiveness contained within its pages. The jokes are designed to shock and provoke, often relying on crude stereotypes and derogatory language to get a reaction. Some of the jokes are so extreme that they make even the most jaded readers cringe in discomfort.

Despite its controversial nature, the Truly Tasteless Joke Book has been widely read and discussed over the years. Some people see the book as a celebration of free speech and a way to push back against political correctness, while others view it as a form of hate speech that should be banned outright.

One of the key debates surrounding the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is whether or not it should be considered a form of humor at all. While some argue that the book is simply a collection of jokes that are meant to be taken lightly, others point out that the humor is rooted in bigotry and prejudice, making it fundamentally harmful and hurtful.

Another issue with the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is the impact that it can have on marginalized communities. Many of the jokes in the book rely on negative stereotypes and derogatory language to target certain groups of people, such as women, people of color, and individuals with disabilities. This can perpetuate harmful attitudes and contribute to a climate of intolerance and discrimination.

Despite these concerns, there are still many people who find the Truly Tasteless Joke Book to be a valuable and entertaining read. Some argue that the book is a way to push boundaries and challenge societal norms, while others see it as a form of catharsis that allows them to laugh at the absurdity of life.

At the same time, however, it's important to acknowledge the potential harm that can come from spreading offensive and insensitive humor. While free speech is an important value, it's also crucial to consider the impact that our words and actions can have on others, particularly those who are already marginalized and vulnerable.

Ultimately, the Truly Tasteless Joke Book remains a controversial and divisive publication that continues to spark debate and discussion decades after its initial release. While some may find the book to be a humorous and subversive read, others view it as a form of hate speech that should be avoided at all costs.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, one thing is clear: the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a powerful reminder of the importance of free speech, but also the need to use that freedom responsibly and with empathy for others.

In conclusion, the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a complex and challenging publication that raises important questions about humor, free speech, and social responsibility. While it may not be for everyone, it remains an influential and provocative work that continues to shape our cultural conversations today.

The Controversial Book

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a collection of jokes that have been considered to be highly controversial and offensive. The book was first published in 1982 by a publisher named Ballantine Books. It was written by a comedian named Ashton Applewhite who was popular for her stand-up comedy shows. The book was an instant hit and sold millions of copies worldwide. However, it received a lot of criticism from various groups who found the content to be highly offensive.

The Nature of the Jokes

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a collection of jokes that are meant to be shocking and offensive. The jokes are targeted at various groups such as women, minorities, disabled people, and even victims of tragic events such as the Holocaust. The jokes are highly insensitive and lack any kind of empathy towards the people who are being targeted.

Jokes about Women

The jokes about women in the Truly Tasteless Joke Book are highly sexist and objectify women. They portray women as inferior beings who are only good for cooking, cleaning, and pleasing men sexually. These types of jokes have been condemned by feminists and women's rights activists who consider them to be deeply offensive.

Jokes about Minorities

The jokes about minorities in the Truly Tasteless Joke Book are highly racist and promote negative stereotypes about different ethnic groups. They use derogatory terms and make fun of people's physical features, cultural traditions, and religious beliefs. These types of jokes have been condemned by civil rights activists and anti-racism campaigners who consider them to be deeply offensive.

Jokes about Disabled People

The jokes about disabled people in the Truly Tasteless Joke Book are highly ableist and promote negative stereotypes about people with disabilities. They make fun of people's physical and mental limitations and portray them as being inferior to able-bodied people. These types of jokes have been condemned by disability rights activists who consider them to be deeply offensive.

Jokes about Tragic Events

The jokes about tragic events in the Truly Tasteless Joke Book are highly insensitive and lack any kind of empathy towards the victims. They make light of tragedies such as the Holocaust, the Titanic disaster, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. These types of jokes have been condemned by historians and human rights activists who consider them to be deeply offensive.

The Legacy of the Book

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book has had a lasting impact on the world of comedy and popular culture. It has inspired many comedians to push the boundaries of what is considered to be acceptable humor. However, it has also been criticized for promoting hate speech and perpetuating negative stereotypes about different groups of people.

Legal Controversies

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book has been the subject of several legal controversies over the years. In 1983, a Canadian woman named Mary Burnham filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against the book's publisher, Ballantine Books. She argued that the book promoted hate speech and violated her human rights. The case was eventually settled out of court.

Impact on Comedy

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book has had a significant impact on the world of comedy. It inspired many comedians to push the boundaries of what is considered to be acceptable humor. However, it has also been criticized for promoting hate speech and perpetuating negative stereotypes about different groups of people.

Cultural Significance

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book has become a cultural phenomenon and a symbol of free speech. It has been referenced in popular culture such as movies, TV shows, and music. However, it has also been criticized for promoting hate speech and perpetuating negative stereotypes about different groups of people.

The Controversy Continues

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book continues to be a highly controversial and divisive topic. Some people defend it as a work of satire that pushes the boundaries of what is considered to be acceptable humor. Others condemn it as hate speech that promotes negative stereotypes about different groups of people.

Freedom of Speech

The debate over the Truly Tasteless Joke Book raises important questions about freedom of speech. Should people have the right to express themselves in any way they choose, even if it offends others? Or should there be limits on what people can say in order to protect the rights and dignity of others?

Impact on Society

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book has had a profound impact on society and the way we think about humor and satire. It has challenged our ideas about what is considered to be acceptable humor and forced us to confront the ways in which humor can perpetuate negative stereotypes and promote hate speech. As we continue to grapple with these issues, the legacy of the Truly Tasteless Joke Book will continue to be felt for years to come.

The Controversial History of Truly Tasteless Jokes

Truly Tasteless Jokes is a collection of jokes that were first published in 1982 by the American author and editor, Blanche Knott. The book was an instant hit, selling millions of copies worldwide, and became one of the most controversial books of its time. The book contains jokes that are considered to be some of the most offensive and taboo humor ever published.

The book was originally intended as a parody of the typical joke books that were popular at the time. Knott's aim was to create a book that would shock and offend people, while also making them laugh. However, the book's success also brought it a lot of criticism, with many people accusing Knott of racism, sexism, and homophobia.

The Most Offensive Jokes from the Collection

The jokes in Truly Tasteless Jokes are intentionally provocative and offensive. Some of the most controversial jokes in the book include:

  • Why did God create alcohol? So ugly people could have sex too.
  • What do you call a Chinese woman with one leg? Irene.
  • How do you know when a Jewish girl reaches puberty? When she gets her first tampon, she puts it under her nose so she can smell it.
  • Why do black men have such big lips? So they can pick cotton better.

These jokes are clearly offensive and insensitive, and many people find them to be deeply disturbing. The fact that they were published in a mainstream book and sold millions of copies only adds to the controversy.

The Impact of Truly Tasteless Jokes on Society

The publication of Truly Tasteless Jokes had a significant impact on society, both positive and negative. On the one hand, the book opened up a space for taboo humor and provided a platform for comedians to explore edgy and controversial topics. This helped to push the boundaries of comedy and expand the range of topics that could be discussed in public.

However, the book also had a more negative impact. The jokes in Truly Tasteless Jokes reinforced harmful stereotypes and perpetuated discrimination against marginalized groups. They also contributed to a culture of insensitivity and callousness towards the suffering of others.

The Role of Humor in Addressing Taboo Topics

One of the arguments made in defense of Truly Tasteless Jokes is that humor can be used as a tool to address taboo topics and challenge social norms. According to this view, humor can be a way to expose the absurdity of prejudice and to highlight the injustices that exist in society.

While there is some truth to this argument, it is important to recognize that humor is not always an effective way to address sensitive topics. In many cases, offensive humor can be hurtful and damaging, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and making it harder to have meaningful conversations about important issues.

The Ethics of Laughing at Truly Tasteless Jokes

Another question that arises when discussing Truly Tasteless Jokes is whether it is ethical to laugh at offensive humor. Some argue that laughing at these jokes is a way to reclaim power and assert control over the things that make us uncomfortable. Others argue that laughing at these jokes is complicit in perpetuating harmful stereotypes and contributes to a culture of insensitivity and indifference.

Ultimately, the ethics of laughing at offensive humor is a complex issue that depends on a variety of factors, including the context in which the joke is told, the intentions of the person telling the joke, and the impact that the joke has on marginalized groups.

The Psychology of Why We Find Offensive Humor Funny

One reason why people find offensive humor funny is because it provides a sense of relief from the stress and anxiety of everyday life. According to some psychologists, laughing at taboo topics can help us to cope with difficult emotions and to feel more in control of our environment.

However, this does not mean that all offensive humor is harmless. In many cases, offensive humor can reinforce harmful stereotypes and perpetuate discrimination against marginalized groups. It is important to be mindful of the impact that our words and actions have on others, and to strive towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society.

The Backlash Against Truly Tasteless Jokes in Modern Times

In recent years, there has been a growing backlash against offensive humor, with many people calling for a more sensitive and inclusive approach to comedy. This has led to a wave of criticism against comedians who use offensive humor, and many have faced backlash and even lost their careers as a result.

While there is certainly value in promoting sensitivity and inclusivity, it is important to recognize that comedy has always been an edgy and controversial art form. If we are too quick to silence voices that challenge social norms, we risk stifling creativity and limiting our ability to engage with difficult topics in a meaningful way.

The Legacy of Truly Tasteless Jokes in Comedy

Despite the controversy surrounding Truly Tasteless Jokes, it has had a lasting impact on the world of comedy. The book helped to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in mainstream comedy, paving the way for a new generation of comedians to explore taboo topics and challenge social norms.

However, the legacy of Truly Tasteless Jokes is also a reminder of the importance of responsible and thoughtful humor. While edgy and provocative comedy can be entertaining and thought-provoking, it is important to recognize the impact that our words and actions have on others.

The Fine Line Between Satire and Insensitivity

One of the challenges of offensive humor is that it can be difficult to distinguish between satire and insensitivity. While satire uses humor to expose the absurdity of prejudice and challenge social norms, insensitivity reinforces harmful stereotypes and perpetuates discrimination against marginalized groups.

The key to walking this fine line is to be mindful of the impact that our words and actions have on others. We need to be aware of the power dynamics at play in our society and strive towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.

The Future of Offensive Humor in a Changing World

The future of offensive humor is uncertain, as our society continues to evolve and change. On the one hand, there is a growing demand for more sensitive and inclusive comedy, as people become more aware of the impact that their words and actions have on others.

On the other hand, there is still a place for edgy and provocative comedy that challenges social norms and pushes the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. As long as comedians are mindful of the impact that their words and actions have on others, there will always be a place for controversial and challenging humor in our society.


Truly Tasteless Jokes is a controversial book that has had a profound impact on the world of comedy. While the book helped to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in mainstream comedy, it also reinforced harmful stereotypes and perpetuated discrimination against marginalized groups.

The legacy of Truly Tasteless Jokes is a reminder of the importance of responsible and thoughtful humor. While edgy and provocative comedy can be entertaining and thought-provoking, it is important to be mindful of the impact that our words and actions have on others. As our society continues to evolve and change, the future of offensive humor remains uncertain, but as long as comedians are aware of the power dynamics at play in our society, there will always be a place for challenging and controversial humor in our world.

My Point of View on the Truly Tasteless Joke Book


The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a controversial book that was written by Ashton Applewhite in 1982. It is a compilation of jokes that are considered to be offensive and insensitive towards certain groups of people. This book has sparked debates on whether it is necessary or appropriate to publish such jokes.

Pros of the Truly Tasteless Joke Book

1. Humor: One of the main advantages of this book is that it brings humor and laughter to its readers. Some people find these jokes to be funny and entertaining.

2. Freedom of Speech: The publication of this book is an exercise of freedom of speech. The author and the publisher have the right to express their opinions and ideas, even if they are not politically correct.

3. Historical Value: The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a product of its time. It reflects the social and cultural norms of the 1980s. By reading this book, one can gain insight into the attitudes and beliefs of that era.

Cons of the Truly Tasteless Joke Book

1. Offensiveness: The jokes in this book are offensive and hurtful to many people. They target various groups such as women, minorities, and people with disabilities. These jokes perpetuate negative stereotypes and contribute to discrimination and prejudice.

2. Insensitivity: The publication of this book shows insensitivity towards the feelings and experiences of those who have been victimized by the types of jokes included in the book. It can be seen as a form of bullying and harassment.

3. Negative Impact: The Truly Tasteless Joke Book can have negative consequences on society. It can normalize and legitimize discriminatory behavior and attitudes. It can also perpetuate a culture of intolerance and hate.

Comparison Table

Pros Cons
Brings humor and laughter Offensive to many people
Exercise of freedom of speech Shows insensitivity towards victims
Historical value Can have negative impact on society


In conclusion, the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a book that has both pros and cons. While it may bring humor and entertainment to some readers, it can also be hurtful and offensive to others. The publication of this book raises important questions about freedom of speech, responsibility, and respect for diversity. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they want to read and support this type of content.

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book: A Controversial Classic

Dear blog visitors,

Today, we're going to talk about a book that has been the source of much controversy and debate over the years. It's a book that some people love and others hate, but there's no denying that it has had a significant impact on popular culture. That book is the Truly Tasteless Joke Book.

For those who are unfamiliar with it, the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a collection of jokes that are intentionally offensive and politically incorrect. The book was first published in 1982 by a company called Ballantine Books, and it quickly became a bestseller. Over the years, it has been reprinted numerous times and has spawned several sequels.

The jokes in the book cover a wide range of topics, including race, gender, religion, disability, and sexuality. They are often crude, vulgar, and downright offensive. Some people find them hilarious, while others find them deeply offensive and hurtful.

So why has this book become such a cultural phenomenon? There are a few reasons. For one thing, it was one of the first books to push the boundaries of what was considered socially acceptable. In the early 80s, political correctness was not yet the norm, and people were more willing to laugh at things that would be considered taboo today.

Additionally, the book tapped into a certain sense of rebellion and anti-establishment sentiment that was prevalent among young people at the time. The book was marketed as being for adults only, and many teenagers and college students saw it as a way to rebel against their parents and authority figures.

Of course, there are also those who simply find the jokes in the book genuinely funny. Taste in humor is subjective, and what one person finds offensive, another might find hilarious.

It's worth noting, however, that the Truly Tasteless Joke Book has also been the subject of much criticism and controversy over the years. Many people feel that the jokes in the book are not just offensive but actively harmful. They argue that the book perpetuates stereotypes and contributes to a culture of hate and intolerance.

Others argue that the book is simply a product of its time and should be viewed in that context. They point out that many of the jokes in the book were considered acceptable at the time of its publication and that it's unfair to judge them by today's standards.

So where does that leave us? Is the Truly Tasteless Joke Book a harmless bit of nostalgia or a harmful relic of a less enlightened era? The answer, as with many things, is not clear-cut.

If you're someone who enjoys the shock value of offensive humor, then the Truly Tasteless Joke Book might be right up your alley. But if you're someone who is sensitive to issues of race, gender, or disability, then you might want to steer clear.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to read the Truly Tasteless Joke Book is up to you. Just remember that there are real people behind the stereotypes and caricatures that are often the butt of these jokes. And while it's important to have a sense of humor and not take ourselves too seriously, it's also important to be mindful of the impact that our words and actions can have on others.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has given you some food for thought and helped you form your own opinion on this controversial classic.

People Also Ask About Truly Tasteless Joke Book

What is the Truly Tasteless Joke Book?

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is a controversial book of jokes that was first published in 1982. The book contains a collection of offensive and insensitive jokes that are intended to shock and offend readers.

Who wrote the Truly Tasteless Joke Book?

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book was written by American author and comedian, Ashton Applewhite. The book was published under the pseudonym Blanche Knott, which was a play on the name of the author's grandmother.

Is the Truly Tasteless Joke Book still available?

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is still available for purchase, but it has been heavily criticized for its offensive content. Many bookstores refuse to carry the book, and it is banned in several countries around the world.

Why is the Truly Tasteless Joke Book so controversial?

The Truly Tasteless Joke Book is controversial because of its offensive content. The book contains jokes that make fun of people based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status. Many people find these jokes to be hurtful and degrading.

Should I read the Truly Tasteless Joke Book?

It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to read the Truly Tasteless Joke Book. However, it is important to consider the impact that the book's content may have on others. If you do choose to read the book, be aware of the potential harm that the jokes may cause and be sensitive to the feelings of others.